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Ignore(Reconcile) transactions

You can ignore transactions in Kontolink so they don’t appear on the to-do list.
When you ignore a transaction, no posting will be transferred to your ERP system.

How to do

Find the transaction that you wish to ignore(reconcile)

  • Click on “Ignore(Reconcile)” – The menu to the right.


Now reconciled

  • There you go! 🎉 – Your transaction is now ignored(Reconciled) and wont be shown in your to-do list or ERP system.


Regret the reconciliation?

You can undo your reconciliation in Kontolink at any time.

Undo reconciliation

  • Click on “Undo reconciliation” – In the right menu.


Reconciliation withdrawn

  • There you go! 🎉 – The reconciliation is now withdrawn, and you can now approve the transaction.
